
It’s the Little Things

30th Jul 2015

It’s the Little Things

When you’re facing a serious situation such as the one described below, it’s the little things that count. We are so happy that Top Hair Wigs could provide even the littlest bit of comfort…

I know absolutely nothing about synthetic hair. I have no idea even where to begin – where do I buy it? How much does it cost? How do I take care of it? How often do I need to replace it? My entire life, I always had long, thick, beautiful black hair. I was able to

pull it up in a ponytail for sports, or leave it down for work. Synthetic hair was never on my radar. Until it needed to be.

As my birthday was quickly approaching, it was time for my annual doctor’s appointment. I always make the appointment around my birthday that way I can remember what time year I am supposed to go. That day started out like any other; I woke up, showered, had my morning coffee and was out the door at 7:30 to make my 8 a.m. appointment. The doctor came in, did her no

rmal speech – including my “history” which is always the part that I never understood the relevance of - before my examination, everything seemed to go as normal. As I put my clothes back on she asked me to meet her in her office. Not normal.

An hour later, I was an almost-thirty-something diagnosed with cancer. I couldn’t believe it. While I can get into the shock and sadness of getting this kind of news, I can assure you that that’s not why I am writing this. It goes without saying that the chemo therapy made me lose my hair, and I was obviously not okay with that; I needed to figure something out, and fast. That’s where Top Hair Wigs came in. I did a lot of research into the topic and knew that I wanted—no I required—a 100 percent human hair wig. Top Hair had such an amazing variety, including everything from Remy hair wigs to Kemet hair products and Aurora hair weaves. But I decided on Brazilian human hair wigs. Hey, if I was going to go through all this, I might as well do my best to look fabulous doing it.

It’s been more than a year now since that fateful doctor’s appointment and I am in remission. My natural hair has not fully grown back yet, so I still rock (and love!) my Brazilian human hair wig from Top Hair Wigs. It is so manageable; I can wash it, toss it up and even work out with it on. I don’t think I would have been able to make it through the last year with half as much dignity as I have without the natural-looking hair I got from this place.